Monday, January 28, 2013

The Bricknews123 Refame project!

I just want to say, to all of my subscribers, supporters, thank you. i know i haven't been posting much on youtube, mainly due to the fact that there's really no new news about lego sets around, i haven't had the chance to post a new video. But soon, i will be posting a new video, not about legos, but to re-fame my subscriber chain and view chain. By doing so, i will make a Sub for Sub? video. This sub for sub video isn't really going to be the best idea, but I WILL try it. First off, the rules go like so: you comment sub. and if i reply saying that i subbed, you're good to go. Sometimes, im not on all day, so it may take sometime. Just be patient. I will eventually close the video, and eventually re-open it. That is just some planning im having right now. This video will be coming soon.

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